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清华大学: 自强不息、厚德载物 北京大学: 知行合一、求是创新 复旦大学: 博学而笃志、切问而近思 上海交通大学: 明德求是、敢为人先 浙江大学...

  1. 清华大学:
  2. 自强不息、厚德载物

  3. 北京大学:
  4. 知行合一、求是创新

  5. 复旦大学:
  6. 博学而笃志、切问而近思

  7. 上海交通大学:
  8. 明德求是、敢为人先

  9. 浙江大学:
  10. 求是创新、严谨治学

  11. 南京大学:
  12. 诚朴崇实、弘毅笃行

  13. 武汉大学:
  14. 自强不息、厚德载物

  15. 中山大学:
  16. 博学而笃志、创新求变

  17. 中国人民大学:
  18. 明德厚学、求是创新

  19. 华中科技大学:
  20. 明德笃行、求是创新


  1. Tsinghua University:
  2. Self-improvement and commitment to society.

  3. Peking University:
  4. Integration of knowledge and actions, and seeking truth from facts.

  5. Fudan University:
  6. Learning extensively and searching deeply, being pragmatic and innovative.

  7. Shanghai Jiao Tong University:
  8. Moral integrity, seeking truth, and leading.

  9. Zhejiang University:
  10. Seeking truth and being innovative, rigorous in scholarship.

  11. Nanjing University:
  12. Sincerity, simplicity, diligence, and perseverance.

  13. Wuhan University:
  14. Self-improvement and commitment to society.

  15. Sun Yat-Sen University:
  16. Learning extensively and searching deeply, being innovative and transformative.

  17. Renmin University of China:
  18. Moral integrity and academic excellence, seeking truth and being innovative.

  19. Huazhong University of Science and Technology:
  20. Moral integrity and diligence, seeking truth and being innovative.

These are the ten famous schools in China, and their school mottos. These school mottos reflect the spirit and essence of each school, and can inspire and guide students to pursue excellence in their academic and personal lives.
